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The year in 1806. England is beleaguered by the long war with Napoleon, and centuries have passed since practical magicians faded into the nation's past. But scholars of his glorious history discover that one remains : the reclusive Mr Norrell whose displays of magic send a thrill through the country. Proceeding to London, he raises a beautiful woman from the dead and summons an army of ghostly ships to terrify the French. Yet the cautious, fussy Norrell is challenged by the emergence of another magician : the brilliant novice Jonathan Strange. Young, handsome and daring, Strange is the very antithesis of Norrell. So begins a dangerous battle between these two great men which overwhelms the one between England and France. And their own obsessions and secret dabblings with the dark arts are going to cause more trouble than they can imagine.
TitreJonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
AuteursSusanna Clarke
Date d'édition01/08/2005
Catégorielittérature fantastique/fantasy
Langue du livre anglais
Langue originale du livreanglais
Mots-clésmagie, fiction, sorcellerie
Note(s) de lecture  
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ISBN0747580693 (9780747580690)
BCID 3823102 

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