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This stimulating little book introduces some of the issues involved in mission in the twentieth century.

Newbigin discusses missions from an ecumenical perspective before considering the limits of ecumenicity and the need for truth. He considers that the present situation of the missionary movement has brought the question of the uniqueness and finality of Christ into sharp focus. This question, he argues, and the question of the relation of what God is doing in the mission of the Church and in the secular events of history will only be answered correctly in the framework of a fully and explicitly trinitarian doctrine of God.

With and introduction by Eleanor Jackson.
TitreTrinitarian Doctrine for Today's Mission
AuteursLesslie Newbigin
EditeurWipf & Stock Publishers
Date d'édition/10/2006
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-clésmission, trinite, doctrine, eglise, inde, oecumenique, christianisme, culture, evangile, societe, theologie
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