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Set in the mid-1970s in India, A Fine Balance tells the story of four unlikely people whose lives come together during a time of political turmoil soon after the government declares a State of Internal Emergency. Through days of bleakness and hope, their circumstances - and their fates - become inextricably linked in ways no one could have foreseen. Written with compassion, humour and insight, A Fine Balance is a vivid, richly textured and powerful novel by one of the most gifted writers of our time.
TitreA Fine Balance
AuteursRohinton Mistry
Date d'édition01/10/2006
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-clésinde, asie, emeutes, discrimination, mendiant, handicap, tailleur, corruption
Note(s) de lecture   
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ISBN057123058X (9780571230587)

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