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Propriétés du livre

Ce livre est dans la bibliothèque de zatounette  

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" Whatever people say I am, that's what I'm not.
All I want is a good time. The rest is propaganda... "
Working all week at the lathe leaves Arthur Seaton with energy to spare at the weekends. A hard-drinking, hard-working rebel, he knows exactly what he wants, and how to get it. Before long his dalliances with a couple of married women make him the centre of local gossip. But then one evening he me a young girl in a pub, and life begins to look a little less simple...
TitreSaturday Night and Sunday Morning
AuteursAlan Sillitoe
Date d'édition15/05/2006
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-clésjeunesse, ouvrier, angleterre, alcool, usine, pub
Statut de lecture
ISBN0-00-720502-3 (9780007205028)

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