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Ce livre est dans la bibliothèque de Septentria   - Livre "libéré (in the wild)"  libéré (in the wild)

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TWO MURDERS, CLOSELY LINKED, COMMITTED OVER A HUNDRED YEARS APART... In 1892, in the seaside resort town of Spring Lake, New Jersey, a young woman disappears and the house in which she grew up is immediately sold. Now, more than a century later, Emily Graham buys back her ancestral home. Recovering from the bitter break up of her marriage, with a new position as criminal defence attorney in a major law firm, Emily begins renovating the Victorian house. In the backyard, the skeleton of a young woman is found, and identified as that of Martha Lawrence, the girl who disappeared from Spring Lake over four years ago. Within her skeletal hand is the finger of another woman, adorned with a ring - a family heirloom, Emily's family heirloom. Seeking desperately to find the link between her forebear's past and this recent murder, Emily herself becomes a threat to the killer. Devious and seductive, he has chosen her as his next victim...
TitreOn the Street Where You Live
AuteursMary Higgins Clark
EditeurPocket Books
Date d'édition04/03/2002
Catégoriepolicier/roman noir/thriller
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-clésmeurtre, epoque victorienne
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BCID 6011867 

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