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Ce livre est dans la bibliothèque de Brujula   - Livre "ring"  ring

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The ever-conscientious Miss Helma Zukas of Bellehaven, Washington, is not one to renege on a promise—even one made hastily . . . and too long ago to possibly remember! So when an anonymous note in the morning mail reminds her of her vow to bring her high school classmates together for a twenty-year reunion, Miss Zukas hops to and begins organizing the perfect celebration . . . despite some vague and mysterious warnings about dire consequences.

But when a secret saboteur disrupts her well-planned reunion—stranding Helma and her old classmates on a fogbound island with a murderer in their midst—the intrepid librarian-sleuth takes charge once again. With a dubious assist from her raffish friend Ruth, Miss Zukas is determined to close the books on crimes both current and overdue for solution . . . before the killer takes the alumni out of circulation permanently.
TitreMiss Zukas and the Island Murders
AuteursJo Dereske
EditeurAvon Books
Date d'édition/04/1995
Catégoriepolicier/roman noir/thriller
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-cléslycee, meurtre, reunion, enquete, ile
Note(s) de lecture  
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ISBN0380770318 (9780380770311)
BCID 4967109 

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