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Ce livre est dans la bibliothèque de Gaël  

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He could outrun anybody, and he never missed a day of school. Animals loved him. People loved him. Women loved him (and he loved them back). And he knew more jokes than any man alive. Now, as he lies dying, Edward Bloom can't seem to stop telling jokes - or the tall tales that have made him, in his son's eyes, an extraordinary man. Big Fish is the story of this man's life, told as a series of legends and myths
inspired by the few feats his son, William, knows. Through these tales - hilarious and wrenching, tender and outrageous - William begins to understand Edward Bloom's great feats, and his great failings, managing to reckon with the father he's about to lose. And find a way to say goodbye.
TitreBig Fish
AuteursDaniel Wallace
(1959 -)
EditeurPocket Books
Date d'édition5 janvier 2004
Langue du livre anglais
Langue originale du livreAnglais
Mots-clésroman, Etats-Unis, 1998
Statut de lecture
ISBN0743484258 (9780743484251)

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