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Ce livre est dans la bibliothèque de Ginaluna   - Livre "libéré (in the wild)"  libéré (in the wild)

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Treated like a slave by her thin and bitchy flatmates, lorded over at the Kilburn Herald by the beautiful Geraldine (less talented, but better paid), her only consolation is food. What with that and her passion for her charming, sexy colleague Ben, she knows her life needs changing. But can Jemima reinvent herself? Should she? A brilliantly funny, honest novel from the author of Straight Talking, about ugly ducklings and swans, about attraction, addiction and the meaning of true love.
TitreJemima J
AuteursJane Green
Date d'édition23/08/1999
Langue du livre anglais
Mots-clésCondition feminine, Royaume Uni, Regime
Note(s) de lecture  
Statut de lecture
ISBN0140276904 (9780140276909)
BCID 4915484 

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